Returning Georgia Hopkins

“Returning” is an exhibition of works by local artist Georgia Hopkins. The paintings are atmospheric seascapes and landscapes inspired by the natural beauty of Cork and West Kerry.

Artist’s Statement
 I chose ‘Returning’ as a title for a number of reasons. Initially it was a literal, working title, as I would be returning to the lovely Alliance Franҫaise de Cork gallery of my first solo exhibition. As I thought more about it however, this title resonated on a number of different levels.
The very fact of having this exhibition necessitated my own returning: to the painting process, to the quietness of mind that that both allows & demands, and to my enduring source of inspiration, which is the wonder and beauty of the natural world. It is always a great pleasure to return to my inner connection with nature, to the universal energy, to the place in us all that makes us both unique in spirit yet connected with everything and everyone else.
From another angle, I see this now as a universal time of ‘returning’. I believe that our society is at a pivotal point, and that much of the way forward will involve a returning to traditional wisdom, to a stronger community-based approach to living, and to the core values and needs shared by all. Love and kindness are essential of course, and are hugely powerful forces. In keeping with the deep respect for nature that is behind all of my paintings, and being a life-long animal lover, I decided that this exhibition might also serve another purpose; to offer an opportunity to help and support some hardworking, invaluable local animal charities: The Cat Action Trust (C.A.T.), Dog Action Welfare Group (D.A.W.G.), and The Donkey Sanctuary. I hope that anyone who purchases a painting or print will be agreeable to a percentage being donated to these charities.
The works in Returning span a time period of several years, and people will see in these paintings a broad range of impressions, places, feelings, and points of inspiration. With all my work, whether landscape, seascape, abstract or expressionist, my starting points are always mood and colour, followed by form and composition. What I try to capture is a certain vitality, a natural, numinous energy, and to offer a glimpse of what is at play beneath the surface, beyond the horizon, and past the veneer of superficial reality. I hope when visiting you will be able to spend a little time with the works you like, and that you might find yourself sharing in the sense of wonder that inspired them. - GEORGIA HOPKINS

24th November 2011 – 6th January 2012 
Alliance Francaise Cork 


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