TV and White Lady Art are proud to present, "After Hours", Dublin's
first independent tattoo art exhibition. It will show the fine art of
tattoo artists, and the work of fine artists who are influenced by
tattoo culture, from Ireland, the U.K. and Europe. The exhibition will
include tattoo photography, erotic photography, drawing, painting, print
and a special performance art piece on the opening night from Sharon
Courtney. Sailor Jerry rum will provide free drinks for guests.
Opening Reception: Saturday 22nd October 2011, 7 - 11.30pm. After
party at Generator Hostel, Smithfield Square, 11.30 - 2.30 a.m. Tickets
€10, or €12 including entry to the Generator club. Over 21's only.
Wheelchair accessible.
On Show: 22nd - 26th October 2011.
The Complex, 18-21 Block C, Smithfield Square, Dublin 7. The gallery is
wheelchair accessible. Opening hours for the show are 12-6pm.
Artists: Robert Hernandez, Oddboy, Gray Silva, Leigh Oldcorn, Clare
Goldilox, Boz Mugabe, Kathrina Rupit, Cris Gherman, Pawel Lewy, Shane
Kealy, Daniel Flower, Oyster Zepplin, Hector Heathwood, Remis Cizauskas,
Danleo, Rebecca Protheroe, Harriet Myfanwy Nia Tahany, Ross Henderson,
Brian Duffy and Kris Barnas.
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